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Meluzzi C., Cenceschi S..,The epistemology of speech data in forensics: cross-cutting approaches among linguistics and engineering – IRAAL conference 2019 Galway (Irland) https://iraal2019nuigalway.home.blog/
Cenceschi S., Sbattella L, Tedesco R.,, PESInet: Automatic Recognition of Italian Statements, Questions, and Exclamations With Neural Networks, Proceedings of the Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2019 (Bari, November 13-15, 2019), a cura di Raffaella Bernardi, Roberto Navigli, Giovanni Semeraro, Accademia University Press, Torino, ISBN 9791280136008.l
Lopez-Zorrilla, A., deVelasco-Vazquez, M., Cenceschi, S., & Ines Torres, M. (2018). Corrective Focus Detection in Italian Speech Using Neural Networks. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 15(5), 109-127.
This work develops an Artificial Cognitive System (ACS) based on Recurrent Neural Networks that analyzes suitable
features of the audio channel in order to automatically identify the Corrective Focus on speech signals.
Cenceschi, S., Sbattella, L., & Tedesco, R. (2018). Towards Automatic Recognition of Prosody. In Proc. 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody (pp. 319-323).
CALLIOPE, a multi-dimensional and abstract model, aiming at categorising all prosodic forms; SI-CALLIOPE, a sub-space for which we defined a corpus of recorder prosodic forms; the psychoacoustic experiment we are currently carrying on for investigating main acoustic behaviours and features involved into the discrimination of prosodic forms.
Sbattella, L., Tedesco, R., & Cenceschi, S. (2014). Kaspar: a prosodic multimodal software for dyslexia. In ICERI2014 Proceedings (pp. 4742-4749). IATED.
In this work we describe our roadmap to KaSPAR (Karaoke Speech-Prosody Analyzer and Recognizer), a software application dealing with the problematic of learning English as a foreign language, for Italian (or other transparent, romance languages) mother-tongue subjects with dyslexia.
Cenceschi, S., Sbattella, L., & Tedesco, R. (2018). Influence of semantics on the perception of corrective focus in spoken Italian. ExLing 2018, 21.
This study is a web-based, psychoacoustic test for adult, Italian native-speakers, investigating detection of different prosodic phenomena in Standard Italian utterances.
Sbattella, L., Cenceschi, S., Cordaro, G., Gelosa, A. I., & Pagliardini, C. (2017). Speech improvement for intellectual disabilities and autism: an experimental study on technological supports. In EDULEARN 2017 (pp. 2527-2534).
The paper presents the preliminary protocols and sessions designed and realized to evaluate the initial communicative behaviors and the willingness to be engaged of kids and young persons involved into the LYV Project for technological mediated prosodic storytelling sessions.
Sbattella, L., Tedesco, R., & Cenceschi, S. (2016, October). Acoustic and grammatical characterization of crisis-related babblings in Italian persons undergoing Courts-of-Law examinations. In Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium(pp. 1-4). VDE.
to be continued!